This course is available exclusively through I Drive Safely and makes completing online California traffic school a breeze. This is a viable alternative to reading pages of text – sit back, watch the video modules, and complete the included quizzes.
This is the easiest online traffic school in California! All you have to do is watch an engaging 3D-animated movie that instructs you on the fundamentals of safe, responsible driving. This is an affordable way to complete your traffic school California requirement for ticket masking, and also gives you the freedom to study how you want, when you want. Our simple text-based course presents a wide variety of safe driving information and know-how in brief, easy-to-understand chapters. Each one offers the exact same material, but is presented in different formats. I Drive Safely offers DMV-licensed CA online traffic school courses that can help you mask a ticket or reduce your insurance rates. Easy and quick proof of completion delivery directly to the DMV.Created by industry professionals to give you an unrivaled learning experience.

Study at your own pace, wherever and whenever you want.However, you can mask your California traffic ticket by completing our course with the best online California traffic school and save precious dollars on your auto insurance every month.

Have you received a traffic ticket in California? Even a minor traffic violation can put a mark on your driving record and potentially cause your insurance rates to increase. California Online Traffic School Overview